Cosmote Germanos annual event
The Blues Bug performing live in front of a crowd of 5.000 at the annual party event of Cosmote Germanos hosted at Athinwn Arena Athens Greece. Band arrangements and back line rider provided by Hi - Hat

Beefeater 24 official launch media event
Hired by Noisevents to implement music coverage with "Jazznomatter" live through Bose L1 sound system for Pernod Ricard's Beefeater 24 launch in Greece. You can see in photos how Bose makes it to be invisible on stage!

Bolivar Summer Events
Hi - Hat provided Rush Events with bands and sound for summer party events hosted in Bolivar beach bar sponsored by Havana Club and Amstel Pulse

Champions Club
Vicky B and the Acoustic Troubles performing live at Champions Club, an UEFA's Champions League corporate event music live courtesy of Hi - Hat